Contact your local McWane Ductile Sales Representative or affiliated Utilities Distributor. Together, Building Iron Strong Utilities for Generations is the sole goal. We want to serve your needs when they are needed! If you, as a designer with a project in hand, or just as a curious technical professional, would like to see one of the other calculators in the Pocket Engineer demonstrated before some others…drop us a note at We would love to hear from you! No strings attached. This simple truth of flow being largely dependent on the internal diameter of the conduit will be expanded to explore the comparative annual pumping costs and present worth savings by using Ductile iron pipe versus other piping materials in an upcoming video exploring the McWane PE Energy Savings Calculator. Choose Ductile Iron Pipe / McWane Ductile / Calculators / Flow Calculator.Įxampling a 36-in pipe with the default values in place - wall class 350, the velocity of 5.0 fps, and a flow coefficient of 140 – we see that nearly 17,000 gallons per minute (gpm) is efficiently accommodated by this pipe with a head loss value of just 1.7-psi consumed per each 1,000-ft of pipe through which it flows. Experiment freely with any combination of these inputs until you get the answer you need for an efficient pipeline design, especially if more than one pipe diameter will exist within your pipeline being considered Wall class of the pipe and the Hazen-Williams flow coefficient (C), representing the pipe's interior surface smoothness, can also be adjusted from their default values by the user. The PE Flow Calculator allows the user to change any input variables such as pipe size, flow rate, or velocity and quickly see the effect on the other variables, including computed head loss. That’s where pipeline design, operation, and maintenance really get fun! 20-psi is generally considered an acceptable level of pressure at a faucet or similar apparatus within a home or other building.īooster pumps and other appurtenances typically respond throughout the day within a water delivery system to dance along with the varying demand. Whether the energy to move water (psi) is provided from an elevated storage tank or pumps along the way, head loss subtracts psi in two ways – (1) friction losses as previously mentioned and (2) elevation differences along the pipeline.įor instance, if the system has 100-psi available to "push water" and there are 3-miles of pipe involved with a 30-foot elevation rise from the beginning of the pipeline to the highest point of delivery, the 30-foot elevation change at 0.433-psi per foot of elevation consumes 12-psi, while the 3-miles of friction (H L) – at let’s say an average of 4.2 psi per 1,000-ft of pipe, another 67-psi of the initial 100-psi available is spent, leaving 21-psi ** available pressure at points of delivery near the pipeline’s end. The pipe size, even different pipe sizes contained within a pipeline, do not change. This timeframe is where peak flow rate demands exist, and therefore peak pipeline velocities occur as well. Typical demands are most substantial in the mornings and evenings when people or families start or wrap up their days with common activities during those time slots, such as showering and/or cleaning the dishes. While a single toilet (1.6 gallons per flush), faucet (2.2 gpm), showerhead (2.5 gpm), or garden hose (8.0 gpm) does not require or provide a concerning amount of water themselves, if just half of a community of 50,000 people used some combination of these items for roughly no more than 15-minutes each day, this could equate to a daily need of at least 2.5-million gallons of water.* Yet, it is important to understand the entire concept of how H L plays into efficiency.

Head loss ( H L), expressed in units of ft/ 1,000-ft - which is functionally equivalent to psi (pounds per square inch) pressure consumed over that same length– does not necessarily have a recommended range. The PE Flow Calculator employs a 5.0 fps default velocity to mirror most design engineers' average peak design value. Occasional short-term surges in velocities are common and, at least for Ductile iron pipe, not a concern worth talking about until a total velocity exceeds 20.0 fps.

Based on the ever-changing flow rate-gallons per minute ( gpm) demands of an active pipeline or system, it is generally recommended that the velocity of the flow remain between 2.0 feet per second ( fps) and 10 fps.